Unicode Code Converter v6

Type or paste text in any of the boxes (separate hex values with spaces) and click on the button labelled Convert. The answers will appear in all the other boxes. You can then cut & paste the results into documents.

Unicode U+hex notation:
Percent encoding for URIs:
Hexadecimal NCRs: 
Decimal NCRs: 
Hexadecimal code points:
Decimal code points:
UTF-8 code units:
UTF-16 code units:
JavaScript escapes:
CSS escapes:


Characters You can see a list of names of characters in the Characters field by clicking on the View names button. You can view more detail for each character by clicking on View in UniView.

HTML/XML Input in this field will be output in other fields with any numeric character references or HTML character entities converted to ordinary characters, except that < > " and & are not affected. (Greek and mathematical entities not yet supported.)

Output to this field will be ordinary characters, except that < > " and & are converted to character entities. This is useful for preparing examples of sample code for HTML or XML.

Unicode U+hex notation Input in this field can mix text and escapes. Output in this field shows escapes only and separates escapes with spaces.

Tip: To separate a sequence of characters by spaces, paste the characters into the Characters field and click Convert. Then click Convert immediately in the Unicode U+hex notation field.

Percent-encoding for URIs Input in this field can mix text and escapes. For output in this field characters allowed in URI syntax are not converted.

Hexadecimal NCRs Input in this field can mix text and escapes. Output is escapes only by default. If you click on the button Show ASCII ASCII characters are not converted to escapes.

Decimal NCRs Input in this field can mix text and escapes. Output is escapes only by default. If you click on the button Show ASCII ASCII characters are not converted to escapes.

JavaScript escapes Input in this field can mix text and escapes. Output does not escape non-control ASCII characters.

The JavaScript field accepts escapes as used in JavaScript, Java and C as input. Default output to this field is specifically JavaScript compliant, though this is valid Java code too (a small number of Java-only named escapes such as \e are rendered as numeric escapes). In C-style escapes, supplementary characters are rendered by a single number, rather than two adjacent surrogate codepoint numbers. You can change supplementary character representations to the C style using the C-style Supp. Chars. button.

CSS escapes Input in this field can mix text and escapes. Output does not escape non-control ASCII characters. Output content uses 6-digit escape forms followed by a space for supplementary characters, and 4-digit escapes followed by a space for all other escaped characters.